A designers insight to area rugs while owning a large, active dog.

There is no need to compromise on area rugs while living with your fur baby.   As an interior designer and proud owner of a Weimaraner, I refuse to sacrifice visual beauty in designing my home to accommodate my fur baby. Even more so, with having hardwood floors throughout, I needed to add soft textures, warmth and color to designate space.

I’ve wasted an unnecessary amount of time readjusting rugs that nicely framed living spaces and furniture because my dog cannot control his excitement. By mid-day the rugs have shifted, muddling together with the no-slide-mat underneath and the furniture is awry. When attempting to correct it I’m left with a bumpy mess; absolute chaos.

Indeed, I was determined to have this matter resolved and in doing so, I tried a few theories for both area rugs and mats before I found it;

  1. Purchase in-expensive rugs with stiff backing. Ones that I wouldn’t feel guilty disposing of since accidents of any sort do happen. As a result my furniture wasn’t heavy enough to stop the sliding.
  2. Placing a non-slip mat or sticky felt underneath. This worked for the first day or two but resulted in a chaotic mess.
  3. Purchase a rug that already has a no slip guard on the back. This was an option, however, all dog owners know that rugs can quickly be destroyed from anything and everything . They can also be costly, making it more imperative that they remain spot free. Quite frankly the idea of throwing out a beautiful, expensive rug seems sinful.

My solution: Flor.com. I have used Flor products in several rooms throughout my home for a few distinct reasons.

The carpeting is rubber backed (and none of the rugs have moved an inched since installed.) The rugs are composed of squares tiles, that you ultimately sticker together. This allows one to replace a square instead of the entire rug. It’s brilliant and I even installed it my self! The prices and styles vary, giving you the ability to create something esthetically pleasing and cost effective. Thus far it has been a great investment.



Low pile carpet; the transition from floor to carpet is unobtrusive.

The carpet squares can be cut to fit into any room. Useful for my mudroom, no need to scrub the hardwood floors daily.
Playful designs add texture and style to a room.

Be inspired, functional designs are everywhere.



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