A creative solution to preserving a herb garden indoors during the cold seasons.

Living in the Midwest, I get to experience all four season in the year and I find the change in scenery rejuvenating. Autumn is now among us and it’s a lovely time of year with the abundant warm tones emanating from the changing leaves and the crisp, cool mornings. Ahh its time for sweaters! With this loveliness comes a frost that sadly does away with your plants, more over all the hard work you put in over the spring and summer months. I was surprised that my little herb garden survived since I’m not blessed with a green thumb, and therefore I couldn’t let them wither away. Above all, I use these flavor filled herbs in my cooking and gives me peace of mind knowing where the ingredients come from.

With that said,  I quickly needed a solution to bring my herbs indoors but where to put them. Naturally, they needed to be by a window for light source. I considered several options. First the dining room but I couldn’t give up the space that displays the record player. Secondly the kitchen and I ran into the same situation of not wanting to give up much needed counter space.  Thirdly the walls but with limited surface it’s reserved for art work. All signs were leading me to letting them wither and replant next year.  This wasn’t going to happen on my watch.


After hours of research I came up with this solution. Voila!

The design is not wholly my own. It’s a visually simple design with having no country chic qualities. What drew me to this idea was that it could be customized to suit my needs; I only needed to display 6 potted plants, and I didn’t want to re-pot them into a different container. Between my husband and I we built this display using inexpensive parts from the local HomeDepot in a matter of a couple hours. We then hung it in front of a stationary window that is part of our sliding glass door system. It’s a perfect spot having abundant sun light, the plants aren’t reachable by the dog or little kiddos and it creates a privacy screen from our neighbors. We now have beautiful green textures and wonderful scents in the home that serve a purpose!

I hope that you’ve been inspired!

August 22, 2016
September 28, 2017


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