Colorful cultural heritage, epic adventures and breath taking scenery. It's a city that I will always treasure.

The journey to Cape Town consisted of 20-some grueling hours of flying, long layovers and terminal changes before our arrival. And by gosh was it worth it. Weary with jet leg, I recall the moments as we taxied to our hotel and having tears of joy as I gazed at the South African landscape for the first time. Oh what a splendid sight it was!

After settling in at the hotel, we embarked on one of our “no plans” day by meandering through the busy streets of down town. Eventually, we found ourselves on the ouskirts of a market place sitting on a picnic table, cold beers in hand, watching the events unfold in front of us. The above picture captures one of those moments; children entertaining themselves by playing games of any sort, as the adults worked selling their goods to the passerby’s. It makes you reflect back to our modern western world full of luxury material items – are they required in order for us to bask in the simple pleasures of life?

One of the most colorful places we visited was the old quarter, Bo-kaap. It’s brightly colored row homes stand out amongst the unkept buildings around the perimeter of the quarter. I’m not one to be drawn to bright colors, however there is something to be said about the inviting and uplifting nature these homes embraced. One must assume that there is a gathering of families and neighbors daily. The bright colors led me to contiplate the idea that the community created by the brilliant colors mutes the need for material items- just some food for thought.


For reasons unkown we had the brilliant idea to rent these lovely orange, single speed bikes. With determination and fresh ocean air to guide us, we were able to peddle our way up and down (a lot more up than down) the coastal road. It was a stunning spectacle of luxury beach cliffs homes nestled high above us. These white homes complimented nicely against the lush green cliffside and bright blue ocean. Quite a contrast from the row homes in Bo-kaap.

Learning from our exilerating peddle bike trip, we decided to rent a motorcycle instead and take it over the mountains along the southern most cost of Africa. Words cannot explain the overpowering sensation of being on the open road through these cliffs. We meandered on winding roads that took us through small villages, wine lands, and busy streets with stop and go traffic of the surrounding suburbs. This day trip was eye opening; allowing me to visually experience how the locals live, commute and carry on in their everyday life. It was a true gift.

In the end, I will treasure my visit to Cape Town, South Africa, not just because it was the place my husband and I chose for our honeymoon, but because never before was I amongst such a bright and colorful culture, who embraced life in such a beautiful way.








August 22, 2016


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