Meet Elizabeth



My name is Elizabeth Pedersen, the owner and interior designer for dwellessence. My passion for interior design began in the early years of my life. My father introduced architecture and design to me as soon as could hold a pencil and draw a straight line. Conceptual drawing skills developed and with that the ability to read and draft architectural drawings. This is how I began my love affair with design. Growing up in the small Midwest town of Dubuque, Iowa, I had an attraction to experience city life, to culture and desired an education which led me to Chicago and Interior Design degree from Harrington College.  Even with credentials in my chosen field, real life took me down a different path in property management and real estate as a way to sustain my livelihood, but my passion for design never waned.

My husband and I married in July of 2016 which was quickly followed by an opportunity for my husband to advance his career but with the caveat that we had to relocate to Cleveland, Ohio.  Our life change presented me with the opportunity to return to my passion, and dwellessence was born.

Dwellessence is a collaboration of my client projects, photography, conceptual designs, and solutions that embodies the essence of interior design. I believe that a functional and esthetically pleasing home environment can influence one’s happiness and healthy life. I use this belief as the foundation for my client projects and to my readers.

I cannot express in words what a blessing it is; being able to share my ideas and love of design with you. All of this, after all, is inspired by you because it’s your place of dwelling.


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