It's the most wonderful time of the year...for decorating!

I adore the Christmas season; all the lights, snow, garland, and beautifully decorated Christmas trees. Being sentimental I get excited to re-discover my collection of the family’s vintage ornaments and reminisce about childhood. It’s absolutely magical.





Over the years I’ve determined that I cannot not display these nostalgic pieces on my Christmas tree and therefore I must decorate to accommodate them. This years’ decor was approached with the classics in mind, hunter green and red, pine cones, greenery and berries.

“Oh how I’m dreaming of a white Christmas.”

Red ribbon wrapped around the tree, white lights, adorned with a fur tree skirt. Red and green bulb ornaments are added to compliment the vintage ones and fill the tree. They are hung on gold and silver decorative hooks, introducing charm to the well-worn ornaments.

A special touch in the kitchen; adding pine stems and eucalyptus in colored vases.

And for simple holiday delights, one cannot for get red flowers, pine scented candles and chocolate candies.

Wishing you a joyous and bright Christmas!

February 15, 2018


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