Waiheke Island, New Zealand

Vineyards, wine tasting, mopeds and...Island wide rubbish day?!?!

Waiheke Island is a must-see for wine lovers or anyone wanting to get a sense for the locals.  Luckily it’s only a short ferry ride away from the port in Auckland and were able to spend a full day on the island. There was no better way to explore this vibrant landscape than on the back of a motorcycle, well moped in this case! It was the perfect spring day for it. The fresh ocean breeze brushed against us as we maneuvered through the country roads and  lovely views were revealed to us at every turn, overwhelming our senses. The maculate vineyards weaved into the lush rolling landscape with such grace that one could not decipher where one ended and the other began. It was at these vineyards that I  tasted New Zealand’s famous Sauvignon Blanc; my favorite to this day.

As we weaved through the lush landscape on our little moped, I began to notice an abundance of rubbish along side the road. Not just on one road, but almost every road we traveled on. It became rather comical to me seeing what people have collected and deemed as trash; and began snapping photos to capture this random experience. Turns out that rubbish, vibrant landscape and a camera on the back of a moped makes for some unique photography.

As the locals will say, Cheers!

September 10, 2019


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